Student Abstract Submissions
Calling all Louisiana Respiratory Therapy Students! The LSRC invites you to contribute to the Annual Educational Meeting and Exhibits by reporting on your research, discussing a unique case study, or presenting the evaluation of a method, device, protocol, or literature review of a respiratory specific disease or topic. The LSRC is accepting the submission of abstracts for the Conference’s Annual Open Forum. If your abstract is selected, you will have the opportunity to present your abstract as an electronic poster during the Conference’s Open Forum. First place will be awarded $500. Second and third place will receive $300 and $150, respectively.
March 17, 2025, 5:00 p.m. (CST)
- Abstract submission deadline
- Abstract withdrawal/corrections
March 21, 2025, 5:00 p.m. (CST)
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection
Electronic poster templates sent to authors
April 11, 2025, 5:00 p.m. (CST)
Electronic poster submission deadline
The Open Forum is your opportunity to:
Represent your healthcare facility or school of respiratory therapy
Gain recognition for your work from leading respiratory therapists, physicians, and other health care professionals in attendance at the meeting
Receive valuable feedback on your poster/presentation given by conference attendees and judges who view your poster/presentation
Help the LSRC build a solid scientific basis for the profession of respiratory care, as every abstract that is presented adds another important piece of knowledge to our profession
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Abstract Content
Abstracts can report on an original research study, an evaluation of a method, device, or protocol, a unique case study or a literature review of a respiratory specific disease or topic.
Topic ideas may include aspects of adult acute care, continuing care/rehabilitation, pediatrics, neonatology, polysomnography, cardiopulmonary technology, health care education, advocacy, or delivery of care, etc.
Prior Publication: Abstracts are not to be submitted for consideration if the work covered was or will be published or presented at a major national or international meeting, prior to the LSRC Conference.
Word count: The total word count of an abstract may not exceed 300 words or 1600 characters no spaces. Note: The 300-word count is for the abstract body only (title, authors’ information, and institutions will not count towards the 300-word count).
Abstract body: The abstract body must include the following components:
- Introduction (Background) / Rationale
- Research question or hypothesis (only for an original research study abstract)
- Methods (only for an original research study abstract or method, device, or protocol evaluation abstract)
- Results or Summary
- Conclusion or Discussion: It is not satisfactory to state: “The results will be discussed.”
- It is recommended that the abstract body be organized with headings (e.g., RATIONALE, METHODS, RESULTS, and CONCLUSIONS).
- References in AMA citation style.
Language: Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Abbreviations: When using abbreviations, spell the full name out on first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses. Do not use abbreviations in the title of the abstract. Use of unfamiliar abbreviations may be grounds for rejection unless definitions are supplied in the abstract.
Research Funding Source: All abstracts and subsequent posters must specify funding source: i.e., pharmaceutical firm name, grant name and source or other specific funding source. Compliance with this rule is a prerequisite for review.
Abstracts of research funded by tobacco industry sources will not be considered. If you have no specific funding source, please indicate “none.”
Co-authors: It is required that all authors listed on the abstract have knowledge of the abstract submission.
Disclosure: The Presenting Author of an abstract must also complete the Abstract Author Disclosure, Section B of the abstract submission form (abstract submission form may be downloaded from the LSRC website:
Abstract Review
- Abstracts that meet acceptable scientific and ethical standards and that contain data not previously published or presented at major national or international meetings prior to the LSRC Conference will be considered.
- The LSRC Open Forum Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts based not only on fulfilling submission criteria, but also on relative merit and the special scheduling requirements of the Conference.
- All Committee decisions regarding abstract programming are final.
- Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection will be sent electronically to the Presenting Author at the email address provided in the abstract submission form. Please note: Check both your inbox and junk mail folder for your email notification.
- It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to ensure that your submitted email address is correct because correspondence relating to the abstract will be sent to this address.
- If you have not received your email notification, please contact Dr. Zamjahn at [email protected].
- Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection will be sent electronically to the Presenting Author at the email address provided in the abstract submission form. Please note: Check both your inbox and junk mail folder for your email notification.
- It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to ensure that your submitted email address is correct because correspondence relating to the abstract will be sent to this address.
- If you have not received your email notification, please contact Dr. Zamjahn at [email protected].
Poster Submission
- Electronic posters must be submitted via email to Dr. Zamjahn at [email protected] by the deadline.
- The person assigned as the Presenting Author of accepted abstracts will be expected to present the study in an electronic poster format at the State Conference.
- The Presenting Author is responsible for all fees associated with the Conference, including travel, housing, and conference registration.
Poster Content (Each poster must specify funding source if applicable)
- Original Scientific Research Study Abstracts: Your poster must also contain:
- A descriptive title, list of authors and institutions
- An introduction/rationale to the study
- The methods used
- The results of the study including new data not previously published or presented at a major national or international meeting
- Conclusions of the study
- It is not satisfactory to state: “The results will be discussed.”
- References
- ALL POSTERS NOT MEETING THESE MINIMUM CRITERIA WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. It is recommended that the poster content be organized with the following headings: RATIONALE, METHODS, RESULTS, and CONCLUSIONS.
- Method, Device, or Protocol Evaluation Abstracts: Method, device, or protocol evaluation posters must also include:
- Background: identification of the method, device, or protocol and its intended function
- Method: description of the evaluation in sufficient detail to permit judgment of its objectivity and validity
- Results: findings of the evaluation
- Conclusions: interpretation of the evaluation and experience. Cost comparisons should be included where possible and appropriate
- Case Reports Abstracts:
- Interesting and unique case reports will be considered for presentation. Each poster should describe only a sole case report. Your poster must also contain.
- A descriptive title, list of authors and institutions
- An introduction
- A description of the actual case report
- A discussion of the novelty and importance of the specific case
- Literature Review Abstracts:
- Literature search posters must report information that is new, uncommon or of exceptional educational value and must also include:
- Introduction: relevant basic information important to understanding the case
- Summary: disease diagnosis, pathophysiology, and details of treatment
- Discussion: content should reflect results of literature review
Poster Format
- All components of the poster must be able to fit within the set electronic borders (36.5”wide x 20.5” height) of the PowerPoint Poster Slide Template.
- Posters must be written using Arial Font and presented in English.
- Word count: The total word count may not exceed 500 words. Note: The 500-word count is for the general body text (title, authors’ information, institutions, and figures will not count towards the 500-word count).
- Heading: The first line of the poster title page should be the title (Font size 88 pt., BOLD, All in Capital Letters); the title should explain content and contain no abbreviations.
- Follow the title with the name of the presenter and co-authors (Font size 54 pt., BOLD), affiliation and location (Font size 48 pt., BOLD); underline the presenter’s name.
- Subheading (Font size 50 pt., BOLD) Body text (Font size 48 pt., BOLD)
- Figures (Font size no less than 40 pt., BOLD), legends (Font size no less than 36 pt)
- References (Font size no less than 28 pt., recommended 36 pt., BOLD)
- Abbreviations: Standard abbreviations may be employed in the text without explanation; new or infrequently used abbreviations should be spelled out on first use and followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
- Use generic names only for drugs; proprietary names may not be used.
- Posters may be returned to Presenting Authors for revisions if they were submitted before the deadline.
Wednesday 3 – 4:00 p.m. (Lecture Hall)
Presenting authors are expected to provide an oral review of their posters.
- The Committee will select posters for oral presentations.
- Presenting authors of selected posters will be notified prior to the meeting.
- The poster to be presented will be visually displayed on a large screen in the lecture hall.
- A moderator and panel composed of Open Form Committee Members will oversee the sequence and timing of the oral presentations.
- Oral presentations are scheduled to last 7-10 minutes consisting of:
- 5-8 minutes to present (study summary, strengths, weaknesses, future plans)
- 2 minutes of questions/discussion from audience or panel members
- Presenting authors will be held to the 8-minute presentation time limit.
- Presenting authors should be familiar with all works cited.
Wednesday 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. and Thursday 9 – 10 a.m. and 1 – 2 p.m. (Exhibit Hall)
- All posters will be displayed on a video monitor(s) located in the vendor’s exhibit hall and during Pelican Bowl Preliminaries.
- How often a poster is displayed depends on the number of accepted abstracts.
- A list of the sequence of posters that includes the poster’s title, authors and affiliation information will be placed alongside the video monitor(s).
Thursday 6:00 p.m. (Lecture Hall)
- Awards will be presented after the Pelican Bowl Finals.
SUMMARY OF DEADLINES (See LSRC website for more information)
- Abstract submission/withdrawal/corrections deadline
- Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection and receipt of poster template deadline
- Poster submission deadline
For questions or additional information contact:

John Zamjahn
New Orleans, LA 70112
- LSRC Open Forum Committee
- Professor of Clinical Cardiopulmonary Science
- Program Director of Respiratory Therapy
- Department of Cardiopulmonary Science
- LSU Health Sciences Center
- School of Allied Health Professions

Tim Gilmore
Shreveport, LA 71130
- LSRC Open Forum Committee
- Associate Professor
- Program Director of Respiratory Therapy
- Cardiopulmonary Science Program
- School of Allied Health Professions
- LSU Health Shreveport

Alisha Aucoin
Thibodaux, LA 70301
Program Director
Cardiopulmonary Care Science
Fletcher Technical Community College

Mavis Larrimer
New Orleans, LA 70119
- Director of Clinical Education
- Respiratory Therapy
- Delgado Community College